- facilityCARE
- Energy & Facility Improvements
- Washington State Clean Buildings Act
- Performance Contracting
- Energy Metering
- energyOptimization
- City of Seattle Building Tune-Ups
Energy is What We Do
ATS saves you energy and money by leveraging existing energy management systems, controls expertise and new and innovative technologies. Energy Management Systems interact with all aspects of a building and are the common link between occupants, facility managers, and mechanical and electrical systems. A building cannot maximize energy efficiency, no matter how efficient the equipment is, without an optimized Energy Management System.
HVAC and lighting account for the majority of energy consumption in commercial buildings. A well designed and maintained control system is the first step to minimizing this energy cost and ensuring tenant comfort. With ATS Energy Services you can take this a step further by customizing an energy management plan that fits your facility’s needs. For additional information or to start optimizing your systems contact ATS Energy Services.
- Block 44 Project Profile
- Center for Urban Waters – Project Profile
- Sunset Corporate Campus – Project Profile
- 1111 3rd – Project Profile
- Wenatchee Data Center – Project Profile
- Renton High School – Project Profile
ATS offers a wide range of energy services including:
ATS’ signature energy service and building performance offering facilityCARE, is an ongoing commissioning and advanced analytics platform that proactively identifies energy waste and system inefficiencies as they happen.
In the first 3 to 4 years of operation, “building performances typically deteriorate as much as 30%.” Setpoint and sequence modifications, manual system overrides, tenant activity, deferred maintenance, and space-use changes can all lead to operational drift within the building automation system and ultimately inefficient building performance. The facilityCARE process ensures your facility stays like-new.
facilityCARE is powered by SkyFoundry’s analytics software, SkySpark. SkySpark helps facility owners and operators find what matters in the vast amount of data produced by today’s smart systems.
Washington State Clean Buildings Act (HB 1257)
The Clean Building Standard enacted by Washington State Legislative House Bill 1257 in 2019 is a performance-based energy efficiency framework focused on existing buildings greater than 50,000 square feet. This framework provides each applicable building an Energy Use Intensity (EUI) target based on use and climate zone. Each facility must meet or beat its EUI target one of the two years prior to reporting. Future reporting is required every five years going forward. Building owners can submit before their mandatory dates, and incentives are available to early adopters of the program.
If you need assistance meeting your building’s EUI target, ATS has low-cost service solutions like FacilityAI which autonomously tunes your facility with efficiency in mind. If you need to make significant improvements, ATS can help you navigate the incentive program and ensure you make the improvements that significantly impact your facility’s energy use.
Energy & Facility Improvement
An assessment of your facility is the first step to developing a project that will save your building energy and money while improving performance. Though Energy Assessments tend to focus on energy conservation projects, it is common for the non-energy benefits (tenant comfort, maintenance reduction, end of life replacement, etc.) to be the primary project driver. ATS will identify facility improvement and energy conservation measures and any applicable utility and grant incentives. ATS can provide financing options If funding is needed. After project qualification and selection, ATS will manage the process, execute the improvement measures, provide measurement and verification to ensure project success, and deliver ongoing service to ensure lasting results are maintained at your facility.
Performance Contracting
Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) is a method for identifying and completing energy efficiency upgrades and retrofits utilizing guaranteed project costs, performance, and energy savings. ESPC applies to Washington State public facilities such as municipal buildings, public hospitals, school districts, colleges, universities, and many more.
ATS is a pre-approved Energy Services Company (ESCO) with the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services. By selecting ATS as your facility’s ESCO we can help you maximize your budgets, reduce energy usage, improve equipment longevity, and increase occupant comfort and safety.
Contact your ATS representative to begin planning your project.
Energy Metering
You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Whether it is campus, tenant, or system sub metering, ATS supports the provision, installation, and ongoing monitoring of electric, gas, steam, chilled/hot water, or any other sub meters. With proper metering in place, energy management priorities become clearer and the ability to manage energy becomes easier.
ATS is also able to help your facility meet local metering guidelines including the requirements by the City of Seattle and the State of Washington energy codes.
Energy management systems are sophisticated, and sometimes complex tools that enable facilities to maximize energy savings. Energy Management Systems are also nearly infinitely flexible and adjustable, which, over time, can lead to unintended energy waste. The ATS energyOptimization service employs a systematic approach that focuses on the three S’s of control system efficiency – Schedules, Set Points, & Sequences – to maximize energy savings.
City of Seattle Building Tune-Ups
Buildings 50,000 square feet or larger in Seattle will be required to perform building Tune-Ups every five years in accordance with Seattle Municipal Code 22.930 and the OSE Director’s Rule 2016-01. The goal of the program is to identify and implement low or no cost energy and water improvements that result in savings for facilities
ATS has the expertise and resources to be your facility’s Tune-Up Specialist and is an official tune-up accelerator provider.
Additional Energy Services Offered:
- Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx)
- Advanced Fault Detection
- Energy Monitoring and Analytics
- Utility Incentive Program Management
- Energy Grant Management and Support
- Tenant Billing
- Demand Ventilation Concepts
- Optimum Start Strategies
- Energy Star Certification and Management
- Energy Control Retrofits
- Project Financing
- Dashboards and Data Visualization
- Schedule, Setpoint and Sequence Optimization
- Energy Benchmarking
- Variable Frequency Drive Retrofits
- Lighting and Irrigation Control
- Cooling and Heating Plant Optimization
- Peak Demand Limiting
- Electric Car Charging Stations and Billing
- Certified SkySpark Essentials Training